

1.获取鉴权码:从讯飞开放平台申请appid,并添加(流式接口)获取接口密钥APIKey 和 APISecret
2.集成Websocket接口: 通用接口 + 参数说明,中英文试题格式会有不同,详见试题格式说明


示例demo 请点击 这里 下载。
也欢迎热心的开发者到 讯飞开放平台社区 分享你们的demo。


内容 说明
请求协议 ws[s](为提高安全性,强烈推荐wss)
请求地址 wss://ise-api.xfyun.cn/v2/open-ise
接口鉴权 签名机制,详情请参照下方接口鉴权
开发语言 任意,只要可以向讯飞云服务发起Websocket请求的均可
音频属性 采样率16k、位长16bit、单声道
音频格式 pcm、wav、mp3(需更改aue的值为lame)、speex-wb;7
音频大小 音频数据发送会话时长不能超过5分钟
语言种类 中文、英文


  1. 参数上传阶段,详见业务参数说明(business):
  2. 音频上传阶段,此阶段开始上传音频数据:








参数 类型 必须 说明 示例
host string 请求主机 ise-api.xfyun.cn
date string 当前时间戳,RFC1123格式 Wed, 10 Jul 2019 07:35:43 GMT
authorization string 使用base64编码的签名相关信息(签名基于hmac-sha256计算) 参考下方authorization参数生成规则


1)获取接口密钥APIKey 和 APISecret。

2)参数authorization base64编码前(authorization_origin)的格式如下。

api_key="$api_key",algorithm="hmac-sha256",headers="host date request-line",signature="$signature"

其中 api_key 是在控制台获取的APIKey,algorithm 是加密算法(仅支持hmac-sha256),headers 是参与签名的参数(见下方注释)。
signature 是使用加密算法对参与签名的参数签名后并使用base64编码的字符串,详见下方。
注: headers是参与签名的参数,请注意是固定的参数名("host date request-line"),而非这些参数的值。

signature原始字段由 host,date,request-line三个参数按照格式拼接成,

host: $host\ndate: $date\n$request-line


请求url = wss://ise-api.xfyun.cn/v2/open-ise
date = Wed, 10 Jul 2019 07:35:43 GMT

那么 signature原始字段(signature_origin)则为:

host: ise-api.xfyun.cn
date: Wed, 10 Jul 2019 07:35:43 GMT
GET /v2/open-ise HTTP/1.1



其中 apiSecret 是在控制台获取的APISecret



APISecret = secretxxxxxxxx2df7900c09xxxxxxxx	
date = Wed, 10 Jul 2019 07:35:43 GMT


6)根据以上信息拼接authorization base64编码前(authorization_origin)的字符串,示例如下。

api_key="keyxxxxxxxx8ee279348519exxxxxxxx", algorithm="hmac-sha256", headers="host date request-line", signature="WC1tTz2DI+A8nKPNhz7t7lIhG1VBKDhD3K+R3KkCHOs="

注: headers是参与签名的参数,请注意是固定的参数名("host date request-line"),而非这些参数的值。


authorization = base64(authorization_origin)


public static String getAuthUrl(String hostUrl, String apiKey, String apiSecret) throws Exception {
		URL url = new URL(hostUrl);
		SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z", Locale.US);
		String date = format.format(new Date());
		//String date = format.format(new Date());
		StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("host: ").append(url.getHost()).append("\n").//
				append("date: ").append(date).append("\n").//
				append("GET ").append(url.getPath()).append(" HTTP/1.1");
		Charset charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
		Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("hmacsha256");
		SecretKeySpec spec = new SecretKeySpec(apiSecret.getBytes(charset), "hmacsha256");
		byte[] hexDigits = mac.doFinal(builder.toString().getBytes(charset));
		String sha = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(hexDigits);
		String authorization = String.format("api_key=\"%s\", algorithm=\"%s\", headers=\"%s\", signature=\"%s\"", apiKey, "hmac-sha256", "host date request-line", sha);
		HttpUrl httpUrl = HttpUrl.parse("https://" + url.getHost() + url.getPath()).newBuilder().//
				addQueryParameter("authorization", Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(authorization.getBytes(charset))).//
				addQueryParameter("date", date).//
				addQueryParameter("host", url.getHost()).//
		return httpUrl.toString();


如果握手成功,会返回HTTP 101状态码,表示协议升级成功;如果握手失败,则根据不同错误类型返回不同HTTP Code状态码,同时携带错误描述信息,详细错误说明如下:

HTTP Code 说明 错误描述信息 解决方法
401 缺少authorization参数 {“message”:”Unauthorized”} 检查是否有authorization参数,详情见authorization参数详细生成规则
401 签名参数解析失败 {“message”:”HMAC signature cannot be verified”} 检查签名的各个参数是否有缺失是否正确,特别确认下复制的api_key是否正确
401 签名校验失败 {“message”:”HMAC signature does not match”} 签名验证失败,可能原因有很多。
1. 检查api_key,api_secret 是否正确
3. 检查signature签名的base64长度是否正常(正常44个字节)。
403 时钟偏移校验失败 {“message”:”HMAC signature cannot be verified, a valid date or x-date header is required for HMAC Authentication”} 检查服务器时间是否标准,相差5分钟以上会报此错误
403 IP白名单校验失败 {"message":"Your IP address is not allowed"} 可在控制台关闭IP白名单,或者检查IP白名单设置的IP地址是否为本机外网IP地址


    HTTP/1.1 401 Forbidden
    Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2018 07:55:16 GMT
    Content-Length: 116
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
        "message": "HMAC signature does not match"



int frameSize = 1280; //每一帧音频的大小,建议每 40ms 发送 1280B,大小可调整,但是不要超过19200B,即base64压缩后不能超过26000B,否则会报错10163数据过长错误
int intervel = 40;
int status = 0;  // 音频的状态
try (FileInputStream fs = new FileInputStream(file)) {
    byte[] buffer = new byte[frameSize];
  1. 服务端支持的websocket-version 为13,请确保客户端使用的框架支持该版本。
  2. 服务端返回的所有的帧类型均为TextMessage,对应于原生Websocket的协议帧中opcode=1,请确保客户端解析到的帧类型一定为该类型,如果不是,请尝试升级客户端框架版本,或者更换技术框架。
  3. 如果出现分帧问题,即一个json数据包分多帧返回给了客户端,导致客户端解析json失败。出现这种问题大部分情况是客户端的框架对Websocket协议解析存在问题,如果出现请先尝试升级框架版本,或者更换技术框架。
  4. 客户端会话结束后如果需要关闭连接,尽量保证传给服务端的Websocket错误码为1000(如果客户端框架没有提供关闭时传错误码的接口。则无需关注本条)。
  5. 请注意不同音频格式一帧大小的字节数不同,我们建议:未压缩的PCM格式,每次发送音频间隔40ms,每次发送音频字节数1280B;大小可以调整,但最大不要超过19200B,即base64压缩后不能超过26000B,否则会报错10163数据过长错误。



参数名 类型 必传 描述
common object 公共参数,仅在握手成功后首帧请求时上传,详见下方
business object 业务参数,在握手成功后首帧请求与后续数据发送时上传,详见下方
data object 业务数据流参数,在握手成功后的所有请求中都需要上传,详见下方
参数名 类型 必传 描述
app_id string 在平台申请的APPID信息
参数名 类型 必传 描述 示例
sub string 服务类型指定
ent string 中文:cn_vip
category string 中文题型:
aus int 上传音频时来区分音频的状态(在cmd=auw即音频上传阶段为必传参数)
cmd string 用于区分数据上传阶段
text string 待评测文本 utf8 编码,需要加utf8bom 头 '\uFEFF'+text
tte string 待评测文本编码
ttp_skip bool 跳过ttp直接使用ssb中的文本进行评测(使用时结合cmd参数查看),默认值true true
extra_ability string 拓展能力(生效条件ise_unite="1", rst="entirety")
extra_ability值为multi_dimension(字词句篇均适用,如选多个能力,用分号;隔开。例如:add("extra_ability"," syll_phone_err_msg;pitch;multi_dimension"))
extra_ability值为pitch ,仅适用于单词和句子题型
extra_ability值为syll_phone_err_msg(字词句篇均适用,如选多个能力,用分号;隔开。例如:add("extra_ability"," syll_phone_err_msg;pitch;multi_dimension"))
aue string 音频格式
raw: 未压缩的pcm格式音频或wav
lame: mp3格式音频
speex-wb;7: 讯飞定制speex格式音频(默认值)
auf string 音频采样率
默认 audio/L16;rate=16000
"audio L16;rate=16000"
rstcd string 返回结果格式
gbk (默认值)
group string 针对群体不同,相同试卷音频评分结果不同 (仅中文字、词、句、篇章题型支持),此参数会影响准确度得分
check_type string 设置评测的打分及检错松严门限(仅中文引擎支持)
grade string 设置评测的学段参数 (仅中文题型:中小学的句子、篇章题型支持)
auto_tracking string 朗读跟踪(效果优化中,无需关注)
garbage_roll_back String 朗读跟踪的垃圾回滚(使用朗读跟踪时需要配置为enable,效果优化中,无需关注)
track_type string 跟踪模式:
rst string 评测返回结果与分制控制(评测返回结果与分制控制也会受到ise_unite与plev参数的影响)
<?xml version="1.0" ?><FinalResult><ret value="0"/><total_score value="98.507320"/></FinalResult>
ise_unite string 返回结果控制
plev string 在rst="entirety"(默认值)且ise_unite="0"(默认值)的情况下plev的取值不同对返回结果有影响。
plev:0(给出全部信息,汉语包含rec_node_type、perr_msg、fluency_score、phone_score信息的返回;英文包含accuracy_score、serr_msg、 syll_accent、fluency_score、standard_score、pitch信息的返回)



  "common": {
    "app_id": "xxxxxxx"
  "business": {
    "aue": "raw",
    "auf": "audio/L16;rate=16000",
    "category": "read_sentence",
    "cmd": "ssb",
    "ent": "cn_vip",
    "sub": "ise",
    "text": "When you don't know what you're doing, it's helpful to begin by learning about what you should not do. ",
    "ttp_skip": true
  "data": {
    "status": 0
参数名 类型 必传 描述 示例
data string 音频数据,base64编码(如果用wav格式音频,需要去掉头部) 音频数据,base64编码后作为值
status string 发送数据的状态


  "business": {
    "cmd": "auw",
  "data": {
    "status": 1,


返回参数名称 类型 描述
sid string 本次会话的id,同一次会话返回的sid相同
code int 返回码,0 表示请求成功,遇到其他的错误码时表示请求失败,客户端应该立即断开连接结束会话,
message string 出错时具体的错误描述类型
data object 返回的数据
data.data string 评测结果,base64字符串,解析后为xml格式
status int 返回结果的状态,当status=2时,表示所有结果全部返回,客户端应该以status=2时的结果为最终结果。


	"code": 0,
	"message": "success",
	"sid": "isexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
	"data": {
		"status": 2,
题型 节点 字段信息
字、词题型(小学、成人) read_syllable
total_score:总分 【(phone_score + tone_score)/2】
字、词题型(小学、成人) sentence 无重要信息
字、词题型(小学、成人) word 无重要信息
字、词题型(小学、成人) syll dp_message:0正常;16漏读;32增读;64回读;128替换;
字、词题型(小学、成人) phone dp_message:0正常;16漏读;32增读;64回读;128替换(当dp_message不为0时,perr_msg可能出现与dp_message值保持一致的情况);
当is_yun=0时:perr_msg有两种状态:0 声母正确 ;1 声母错误
句篇题型(小学) read_sentence 或者 read_chapter accuracy_score:准确度
total_score:总分【总分 = 准确度分*0.4 + 流畅度分*0.4 + 整体印象分*0.2】
句篇题型(小学) sentence phone_score:声韵分
句篇题型(小学) word 无重要信息
句篇题型(小学) syll dp_message:0正常;16漏读;32增读;64回读;128替换;
句篇题型(小学) phone dp_message:0正常;16漏读;32增读;64回读;128替换(当dp_message不为0时,perr_msg可能出现与dp_message值保持一致的情况);
当is_yun=0时:perr_msg有两种状态:0 声母正确 ;1 声母错误
句篇题型(成人) read_sentence 或者 read_chapter fluency_score:流畅度分
句篇题型(成人) sentence phone_score:声韵分
句篇题型(成人) word 无重要信息
句篇题型(成人) syll dp_message:0正常;16漏读;32增读;64回读;128替换;
句篇题型(成人) phone dp_message:0正常;16漏读;32增读;64回读;128替换(当dp_message不为0时,perr_msg可能出现与dp_message值保持一致的情况);
当is_yun=0时:perr_msg有两种状态:0 声母正确 ;1 声母错误
题型 节点 字段信息
单词题型(成人) read_word 【成人单词】total_score:总分【模型回归】
单词题型(成人) sentence 无重要信息
单词题型(成人) word dp_message:0正常;16漏读;32增读;64回读;128替换;
单词题型(成人) syll syll_score:每个音节的得分
单词题型(成人) phone dp_message:0正常;16漏读;32增读;64回读;128替换;
句子、篇章题型(成人) read_sentence 或者 read_chapter accuracy_score:准确度分
total_score:总分 = (0.5*accuracy_score + fluency_score*0.3 + standard_score*0.2) integrity_score
total_score:总分 = (0.6*accuracy_score + fluency_score*0.3 + standard_score*0.1) integrity_score
句子、篇章题型(成人) sentence accuracy_score:准确度分
total_score:总分 = (0.5*accuracy_score + fluency_score*0.3 + standard_score*0.2) integrity_score
total_score:总分 = (0.6*accuracy_score + fluency_score*0.3 + standard_score*0.1) integrity_score
句子、篇章题型(成人) word dp_message:0正常;16漏读;32增读;64回读;128替换;
1. 将xml中word层property值的2进制与右表中Property值的2进制进行与运算。(效果优化中,无需关注)
2. 如果运算结果与上表Property值相等,说明此处进行了该类型的检测。若运算结果与上表Property值不等,则说明这里未进行任何检测。(效果优化中,无需关注)
3. 判断xml中word层是否出现werr_msg,若未出现,说明朗读正确。(效果优化中,无需关注)
4. 若出现,则将xml中werr_msg的值与上表Werr_msg对应的值进行与运算,若仍等于该类型的值,则说明该类型朗读错误。(效果优化中,无需关注)
句子、篇章题型(成人) syll syll_score:每个音节的得分
句子、篇章题型(成人) phone dp_message:0正常;16漏读;32增读;64回读;128替换;
情景反应 rec_paper total_score:总分【模型回归】
故事复述-topic rec_paper total_score:总分【模型回归】
复述题、口头翻译、要点题、看图说话 rec_paper accuracy_score:准确度分
口头作文 rec_paper total_score:总分【模型回归】







<customizer: interphonic>

注:试卷文本总汉字数范围 (0,200],总字符数范围(0,5000],推荐文本汉字数范围(0,100],推荐字符数(0,200]。





<customizer: interphonic>

注:试卷文本总汉字数范围 (0,200],总字符数范围(0,5000],推荐文本汉字数范围(0,100],推荐字符数(0,200]。





<customizer: interphonic>

注:文本总汉字数范围 (0,1000],总字符数范围(0,10000],推荐文本汉字数范围[5,500],推荐字符数(0,1000]。





<customizer: interphonic>



(4)单词可支持的符号:英文半角字符 . - ‘ (即点号、连字符、上单引号),如p.m和year-old可支持,hello,world不支持。
(5)单词不支持的标点符号:问号、感叹号、分号、冒号、逗号以及非法字符( ) [ 。
(6)不要将标点符号单独作为一个单词 写在试卷中(即标点符号两端都是空格),标注会报错。






lose/l uw z/


(2)内容可以用这用四个英文半角字符 . ! ? ; 进行分句。
(3)文本前面和中间不要出现( ) [ 这三个符号。
(4)文本末尾不能出现 [ 这个字符 ,可以只有一个( 或者 ),不可以出现多个( 或者 )。
(6)不支持字符占整个content节点内容字节数的大小不得超过10%,常见不支持的字符如:@ , # , $ , % , & , * , { , }。

This is an example of sentence test.


I don't know.


I’m 13 years old.


(10)关于[lmtext](不建议使用该节点),采用英文半角字符 , . ! ? ; 五个进行分句。


I lose my pencil today. 
lose/l uw z/


讯飞音标 标准音标 讯飞音标 标准音标
aa ɑː f f
ae æ g g
ah ʌ hh h
ao ɔː jh
ar k k
aw l l
ax ə m m
ay n n
eh e ng ŋ
er ɜː p p
ey r r
ih ɪ s s
ir ɪə sh ʃ
iy t t
oo ɒ th θ
ow əʊ v v
oy ɒɪ w w
uh ʊ y j
uw z z
ur ʊə zh ʒ
b b dr dr
ch dz dz
d d tr tr
dh ð ts ts


(2)内容可以用这用四个英文半角字符 . ! ? ; 进行分句。
(3)文本前面和中间不要出现( ) [ 这三个符号。
(4)文本末尾不能出现 [ 这个字符 ,可以只有一个( 或者 ),不可以出现多个( 或者 )。
(6)不支持字符占整个content节点内容字节数的大小不得超过10%,常见不支持的字符如:@ , # , $ , % , & , * , { , }。

Hello,everybody.This is an example of chapter test.



(5)每个choice选项文本前面,中间不要出现( ) [ 这三个字符,会报错。
(6)每个choice选项文本末尾 可以 出现一个(或者),不能出现多个( 或者 )。
(7)如果要在每个choice选项内容中加入全角字符, 确保其占每个choice节点内容字节数的大小不能超过10%。
(8)如果要在每个choice选项中输入不支持字符,确保其占每个choice节点内容字节数的大小不能超过10%,常见不支持字符有:@ , # , $ , % , ^, & , * , + , = , { , }。

1. What should I do with the topic?
2. How can I deal with the topic?
3. What can I do with the topic?
4. What should I do with this subject?
5. How can I deal with this subject?
6. What can I do with this subject?
7. What should I do with this title?
8. How can I deal with this title?
9. What can I do with this title?
10. What should I manage this title?
11. How can I manage this title?
12. What can I manage this title?
13. What should I manage this subject?
14. How can I manage this subject?
15. What should I manage this topic?
16. How can I manage this topic?
17. What can I manage this topic?
18. How should I deal with this topic?
19. How should I deal with this title?
20. How should I deal with this subject?
what do topic | how deal topic | what do subject | how deal subject | what do title | how deal title | what manage title | how manage title | what manage subject | how manage subject | what manage topic | how manage topic
W: Congratulations, Tom! You gave a wonderful speech yesterday morning.
M: Thank you Mary.
W: I will give a speech next Wednesday in my English class, but I am not fully prepared yet. Can you give me some advice?
M: Sure. What's your topic?
W: Well, I am always concerned about environmental issues, so my topic is Environmental Protection.
M: This is a good topic, but it is too big.
You have to narrow down your topic. For example, you may talk about what college students can do to protect our environment. After that, you need to do some research to collect relevant information as much as possible. Then, you should organize your arguments well. Logical organization is very important.
What should I do with the topic?
How can I deal with the topic?
What can I do with the topic?
What should I do with this subject?
How can I deal with this subject?
What can I do with this subject?
What should I do with this title?
How can I deal with this title?
What can I do with this title?
What should I manage this title?
How can I manage this title?
What can I manage this title?
What should I manage this subject?
How can I manage this subject?
What should I manage this topic?
How can I manage this topic?
What can I manage this topic?
How should I deal with this topic?
How should I deal with this title?
How should I deal with this subject?
Congratulations, Tom! You gave a wonderful speech yesterday morning.
Thank you Mary.
I will give a speech next Wednesday in my English class, but I am not fully prepared yet. Can you give me some advice?
Sure. What's your topic?
Well, I am always concerned about environmental issues, so my topic is Environmental Protection.
This is a good topic, but it is too big.
You have to narrow down your topic. For example, you may talk about what college students can do to protect our environment. After that, you need to do some research to collect relevant information as much as possible. Then, you should organize your arguments well. Logical organization is very important.
Can you tell me how to do that?
Can you tell me how?
Can you tell me what I can do?
Can you tell me how to do it?
Can you tell me how I should do?
Can you tell me how to deal with it?
Can you tell me how to manage that?
Can you tell me how to manage it?
Can you tell me what to do?
Could you tell me how to do that?
Could you tell what to do?
You need to see relationships among ideas clearly. You may use words like "firstly", "secondly" and "thirdly" to help you indicate the development of your ideas. Also, do remember to provide evidence for your arguments. For instance, data and research findings can make your speech more convincing. In order to give a good speech, you've also got to know some public speaking skills.
What are these skills?
What skills?
What are those skills?
Well, there are so many. It is very important to have good control of the pace of your speech. Don't speak too fast or too slowly. Use appropriate body language to better express yourself. For example, standing straight and having eye contact with the audience will give an impression of self confidence.
Yesterday morning.
Tom gave his speech yesterday morning.
He gave his speech yesterday morning.
Tom gave his lecture yesterday morning.
He gave his lecture yesterday morning.
The topic is too big.
The topic is too broad.
The topic is too general.
The topic is very big.
The topic is very broad.
The topic is very general.
Very big.
Very broad.
Very general.
The topic is too obscure.
Too obscure.
To collect relevant information as much as possible.
To collect related information as much as possible.
To collect relative information as much as possible.
Collect relevant information as much as possible.
Collect related information as much as possible.
Collect relative information as much as possible.
To collect relevant messages as many as possible.
To collect related messages as many as possible.
To collect relative messages as many as possible.
To gather relevant information as much as possible.
To gather related information as much as possible.
To gather relative information as much as possible.
Gather relevant information as much as possible.
Gather related information as much as possible.
Gather relative information as much as possible.
To gather relevant messages as many as possible.
To gather related messages as many as possible.
To gather relative messages as many as possible.
More convincing.
Data and research findings can make the speech more convincing.
Make the speech more convincing.
Data and research findings can convince people.
They can convince people.
Convince people.
Stand straight and have eye contact.
Stand straight and keep eye contact.
Stand straight and maintain eye contact.
To stand straight and have eye contact.
To stand straight and keep eye contact.
To stand straight and maintain eye contact.
To stand straight and have eye contact can make us look more confident.
To stand straight and keep eye contact can make us look more confident.
To stand straight and maintain eye contact can make us look more confident.



1. Snakes.
2. Children.
3. Cats.
What did the woman dislike?


(2)第一行为复述主题题目,必须按以下方式书写:“序号+点号+空格+内容”方式书写,如1. +题目,必须从1开始按顺序连续;注意必须是空格,不能是tab键或者其他字符,题目中不要出现( ) [ 这三个字符,另外也不要在题目中出现全角字符 , 标注会出错。
(3)第二行为复述主题内容,也必须以下方式书写:“序号+点号+空格+内容”方式书写,如1.1. +内容,必须从1.1.开始;注意必须是空格,不能是tab键或者其他字符。
(4)如果有多个主题内容,序号id必须连续,按照1.1. , 1.2. , 1.3. 这种方式。
(7)非必要节点: [number_replace]、[vocabulary]、[lmtext]规范说明参见句子题型非必要节点限制。

1. The Goose Thief
1.1.  Tom went to primary school in the countryside. Near his classroom, there was a small pond where two geese were raised. Students were all fond of them. One day, when Tom passed the school kitchen, he heard the cooks talking about killing the geese for the teachers' Christmas dinner. Tom got angry, and said to himself, "I won't let them be eaten!" That night, Tom worked out a plan. He was going to hide them somewhere far away from the school. The next morning, Tom went to school in his father's big coat. During the break, he rushed to the pond. Without anyone around, he caught the geese and pushed them inside the coat. However, the geese were larger than he had thought, and they tried very hard to free themselves from the coat. The big noise caught the notice of the head teacher and the students, and they all ran to the pond. The head teacher asked for an explanation. Looking at the teacher with fear, Tom told the story and said, "It is unfair to them. We all love them!" The head teacher smiled and promised not to have them killed for the Christmas dinner.
1. Tom went to primary school in the countryside. Near his classroom, there was a small pond where two geese were raised.
2. Students were all fond of them.
3. One day, when Tom passed the school kitchen, he heard the cooks talking about killing the geese for the teachers' Christmas dinner.
4. Tom got angry, and said to himself, "I won't let them be eaten!" That night, Tom worked out a plan. He was going to hide them somewhere far away from the school.
5. The next morning, Tom went to school in his father's big coat. During the break, he rushed to the pond. Without anyone around, he caught the geese and pushed them inside the coat.
6. However, the geese were larger than he had thought, and they tried very hard to free themselves from the coat. The big noise caught the notice of the head teacher and the students,
7. They all ran to the pond.
8. The head teacher asked for an explanation.
9.  Looking at the teacher with fear, Tom told the story and said, "It is unfair to them. We all love them!"
10. The head teacher smiled and promised not to have them killed for the Christmas dinner.
The Goose Thief
Tom went to primary school in the countryside. Near his classroom, there was a small pond where two geese were raised. Students were all fond of them. One day, when Tom passed the school kitchen, he heard the cooks talking about killing the geese for the teachers' Christmas dinner. Tom got angry, and said to himself, "I won't let them be eaten!" That night, Tom worked out a plan. He was going to hide them somewhere far away from the school. The next morning, Tom went to school in his father's big coat. During the break, he rushed to the pond. Without anyone around, he caught the geese and pushed them inside the coat. However, the geese were larger than he had thought, and they tried very hard to free themselves from the coat. The big noise caught the notice of the head teacher and the students, and they all ran to the pond. The head teacher asked for an explanation. Looking at the teacher with fear, Tom told the story and said, "It is unfair to them. We all love them!" The head teacher smiled and promised not to have them killed for the Christmas dinner.


(1)必要节点:[topic] 、[keypoint],注意使用换行符进行分隔。
(2)第一行为复述主题题目,必须按以下方式书写:“序号+点号+空格+内容”方式书写,如1. +题目,必须从1开始按顺序连续;注意必须是空格,不能是tab键或者其他字符,题目中不要出现 ( ) [ 这三个字符,另外也不要在题目中出现全角字符 , 标注会出错。
(3)第二行为复述主题内容,也必须以下方式书写:“序号+点号+空格+内容”方式书写,如1.1. +内容,必须从1.1.开始;注意必须是空格,不能是tab键或者其他字符。
(4)如果有多个主题内容,序号id必须连续,按照1.1. , 1.2. , 1.3. 这种方式。
(7)非必要节点: [number_replace]、[vocabulary]、[lmtext]规范说明参见句子题型非必要节点限制。

1. The Goose Thief
1.1.  Tom went to primary school in the countryside. Near his classroom, there was a small pond where two geese were raised. Students were all fond of them. One day, when Tom passed the school kitchen, he heard the cooks talking about killing the geese for the teachers' Christmas dinner. Tom got angry, and said to himself, "I won't let them be eaten!" That night, Tom worked out a plan. He was going to hide them somewhere far away from the school. The next morning, Tom went to school in his father's big coat. During the break, he rushed to the pond. Without anyone around, he caught the geese and pushed them inside the coat. However, the geese were larger than he had thought, and they tried very hard to free themselves from the coat. The big noise caught the notice of the head teacher and the students, and they all ran to the pond. The head teacher asked for an explanation. Looking at the teacher with fear, Tom told the story and said, "It is unfair to them. We all love them!" The head teacher smiled and promised not to have them killed for the Christmas dinner.
1. Tom went to primary school in the countryside. Near his classroom, there was a small pond where two geese were raised.
2. Students were all fond of them.
3. One day, when Tom passed the school kitchen, he heard the cooks talking about killing the geese for the teachers' Christmas dinner.
4. Tom got angry, and said to himself, "I won't let them be eaten!" That night, Tom worked out a plan. He was going to hide them somewhere far away from the school.
5. The next morning, Tom went to school in his father's big coat. During the break, he rushed to the pond. Without anyone around, he caught the geese and pushed them inside the coat.
6. However, the geese were larger than he had thought, and they tried very hard to free themselves from the coat. The big noise caught the notice of the head teacher and the students,
7. They all ran to the pond.
8. The head teacher asked for an explanation.
9.  Looking at the teacher with fear, Tom told the story and said, "It is unfair to them. We all love them!"
10. The head teacher smiled and promised not to have them killed for the Christmas dinner.
The Goose Thief
Tom went to primary school in the countryside. Near his classroom, there was a small pond where two geese were raised. Students were all fond of them. One day, when Tom passed the school kitchen, he heard the cooks talking about killing the geese for the teachers' Christmas dinner. Tom got angry, and said to himself, "I won't let them be eaten!" That night, Tom worked out a plan. He was going to hide them somewhere far away from the school. The next morning, Tom went to school in his father's big coat. During the break, he rushed to the pond. Without anyone around, he caught the geese and pushed them inside the coat. However, the geese were larger than he had thought, and they tried very hard to free themselves from the coat. The big noise caught the notice of the head teacher and the students, and they all ran to the pond. The head teacher asked for an explanation. Looking at the teacher with fear, Tom told the story and said, "It is unfair to them. We all love them!" The head teacher smiled and promised not to have them killed for the Christmas dinner.


(1)必要节点:[topic],注意使用换行符进行分隔。规范说明参见故事复述题型必要节点中的 [topic] 限制。

1. Throw Litter
1.1. Mary and her classmates went outing last weekend. Someone was flying kites, some people were having snacks. There were litters on the road. Mary picked up the waste bottles and paper the put them in the dustbin. The teacher praised Mary for her good deed.
1.2. Last weekend, Mary went to the park with her classmates. They had a picnic in the park. Some people flew kites there. They had great fun there. Mary saw some rubbish on the road. She picked up the rubbish and threw it into the dustbin. The teacher praised Mary.
1.3. Last Saturday, Mary's class went to the park. They brought some food and had a picnic on the grass. After that, they flew kites there. Suddenly, Mary found that there was some rubbish on the road. She then picked up the rubbish and threw it into the dustbin. Mary's teacher saw this. She said "Well done" to Mary. Mary was very happy.
1.4. Mary went to the park with her friend last weekend. They had a picnic there, while some people were flying kites. Mary's friend wanted to fly a kite too. So she threw waste bottles and paper on the ground and ran away. Mary saw this and picked up the rubbish. Then she threw it into the garbage can. A woman noticed what Mary had done. She praised Mary for her good behavior.
1.5. Mary went to the park to have a picnic with her friend last Sunday. They brought some juice and bread as lunch. After lunch, they joined other people to fly kites. Mary saw some waste bottles and paper on the ground. Someone threw them away after having a picnic. Mary cleaned the road, putting the garbage into a garbage can. A lady saw this and praised Mary for what she had done.
1.6. Last weekend, Mary and her classmates went to the park. Some of them flew kites, and some of them had food on the grass. Mary brought some juice, bread and biscuits to share with her friend. After they finished eating, her friend went to fly a kite. Mary gathered their waste bottles and paper and was about to threw them into the dustbin. Suddenly, she saw some garbage on the ground. She picked up the garbage, and threw it away with their waste bottles and paper. Her good behavior was noticed by the manager of the park. The manager praised her.
1.7. Last weekend, Mary went outing with her classmates. Mary and her friend were having drinks and some bread. Others were flying kites or playing games. After a while, there were litters on the ground. Mary saw these and started to pick up all the waste paper and bottles. She put them into the dustbin. Mary's teacher praised her for what she had done.
1.8. Mary went for an outing with her classmates last weekend. Some people played games and some people went to fly kites. Mary and Lily were having some snacks. When they were about to play, Mary noticed that there were litters around them. So she picked up the waste bottles and paper and threw them in the dustbin. Just then, her teacher saw it and praised Mary for what she did.
1.9. The school held an outing last weekend. Mary and her classmates had fun there. Some people were playing games while some were flying kites. Mary and one of her classmates were having some snacks. Then, Mary found that there were some waste paper and bottles on the ground. So she threw all of them into the dustbin. At last, the ground became clean and Mary was praised by her teacher.
1.10. Mary and her classmates went for an outing last weekend. They were very happy. Someone was flying kites, some were having food. After having lunch, they went on playing games. Mary noticed that there were some litters on the ground. So she picked up all the litters and then put them in the dustbin. Mary's good deed was saw by her teacher. The teacher praised Mary and felt proud of what she had done.
1.11. Last Saturday, Mary's teacher took her class to an outing. The whole class were very happy then. Some people were flying kites while some were playing games. At lunch time, they had food and drank juice together. After that, there were some waste bottles and paper on the road. Mary started to pick them up and threw them into the dustbin. Her teacher saw it and spoke highly of what Mary had done. Mary felt very proud of herself.
1.12. Last weekend Mary and her classmates went outing and had a picnic. Some people were flying kites, some people were having snacks. Suddenly, they found there was a lot of litter on the road. Mary picked up the waste bottles and paper the put them in the dustbin. The teacher praised Mary for her good behavior.
1.13. Last weekend Mary went to the park with Some friends. Some of them were flying kites. Some friends were eating food. Suddenly, they saw there was some rubbish on the road. Mary picked up the rubbish and put it into the garbage. The teacher said Mary was good.
1.14.  Last weekend Mary went to the park. Some classmates were flying kites, some classmate were eating food. Suddenly, they saw there was a lot of rubbish on the road. Mary picked up the rubbish and put it into the dustbin. The teacher said Mary was a good girl.
1.15.  Last weekend Mary had a picnic with her cousins in the park. Some were flying kites, some were eating food. They saw there was some litter on the road. Mary picked up the litter and threw it into the dustbin. Her mother said Mary was good.
1.16.  Last weekend Mary had a picnic with her cousins in the park. Some flew kites, some ate food. Suddenly, they saw someone dropped a lot of litter on the road. Mary picked up the litter and threw it into the dustbin. Her mother said Mary did a good job.
1.17.  Last weekend, Mary went to the park for a picnic with her friend. They brought a lot of food and enjoyed it very much. Lily went to fly kite but she left many rubbish on the ground. Marry cleaned it and put it into the rubbish can. The teacher saw it and she said to Marry, "you are a good girl." What a good girl!
Throw Litter
Mary and her classmates went outing last weekend. Someone was flying kites, some people were having snacks. There were litters on the road. Mary picked up the waste bottles and paper the put them in the dustbin. The teacher praised Mary for her good deed.
Last weekend, Mary went to the park with her classmates. They had a picnic in the park. Some people flew kites there. They had great fun there. Mary saw some rubbish on the road. She picked up the rubbish and threw it into the dustbin. The teacher praised Mary.
Last Saturday, Mary's class went to the park. They brought some food and had a picnic on the grass. After that, they flew kites there. Suddenly, Mary found that there was some rubbish on the road. She then picked up the rubbish and threw it into the dustbin. Mary's teacher saw this. She said "Well done" to Mary. Mary was very happy.
Mary went to the park with her friend last weekend. They had a picnic there, while some people were flying kites. Mary's friend wanted to fly a kite too. So she threw waste bottles and paper on the ground and ran away. Mary saw this and picked up the rubbish. Then she threw it into the garbage can. A woman noticed what Mary had done. She praised Mary for her good behavior.
Mary went to the park to have a picnic with her friend last Sunday. They brought some juice and bread as lunch. After lunch, they joined other people to fly kites. Mary saw some waste bottles and paper on the ground. Someone threw them away after having a picnic. Mary cleaned the road, putting the garbage into a garbage can. A lady saw this and praised Mary for what she had done.
Last weekend, Mary and her classmates went to the park. Some of them flew kites, and some of them had food on the grass. Mary brought some juice, bread and biscuits to share with her friend. After they finished eating, her friend went to fly a kite. Mary gathered their waste bottles and paper and was about to threw them into the dustbin. Suddenly, she saw some garbage on the ground. She picked up the garbage, and threw it away with their waste bottles and paper. Her good behavior was noticed by the manager of the park. The manager praised her.
Last weekend, Mary went outing with her classmates. Mary and her friend were having drinks and some bread. Others were flying kites or playing games. After a while, there were litters on the ground. Mary saw these and started to pick up all the waste paper and bottles. She put them into the dustbin. Mary's teacher praised her for what she had done.
Mary went for an outing with her classmates last weekend. Some people played games and some people went to fly kites. Mary and Lily were having some snacks. When they were about to play, Mary noticed that there were litters around them. So she picked up the waste bottles and paper and threw them in the dustbin. Just then, her teacher saw it and praised Mary for what she did.
The school held an outing last weekend. Mary and her classmates had fun there. Some people were playing games while some were flying kites. Mary and one of her classmates were having some snacks. Then, Mary found that there were some waste paper and bottles on the ground. So she threw all of them into the dustbin. At last, the ground became clean and Mary was praised by her teacher.
Mary and her classmates went for an outing last weekend. They were very happy. Someone was flying kites, some were having food. After having lunch, they went on playing games. Mary noticed that there were some litters on the ground. So she picked up all the litters and then put them in the dustbin. Mary's good deed was saw by her teacher. The teacher praised Mary and felt proud of what she had done.
Last Saturday, Mary's teacher took her class to an outing. The whole class were very happy then. Some people were flying kites while some were playing games. At lunch time, they had food and drank juice together. After that, there were some waste bottles and paper on the road. Mary started to pick them up and threw them into the dustbin. Her teacher saw it and spoke highly of what Mary had done. Mary felt very proud of herself.
Last weekend Mary and her classmates went outing and had a picnic. Some people were flying kites, some people were having snacks. Suddenly, they found there was a lot of litter on the road. Mary picked up the waste bottles and paper the put them in the dustbin. The teacher praised Mary for her good behavior.
Last weekend Mary went to the park with Some friends. Some of them were flying kites. Some friends were eating food. Suddenly, they saw there was some rubbish on the road. Mary picked up the rubbish and put it into the garbage. The teacher said Mary was good.
Last weekend Mary went to the park. Some classmates were flying kites, some classmate were eating food. Suddenly, they saw there was a lot of rubbish on the road. Mary picked up the rubbish and put it into the dustbin. The teacher said Mary was a good girl.
Last weekend Mary had a picnic with her cousins in the park. Some were flying kites, some were eating food. They saw there was some litter on the road. Mary picked up the litter and threw it into the dustbin. Her mother said Mary was good.
Last weekend Mary had a picnic with her cousins in the park. Some flew kites, some ate food. Suddenly, they saw someone dropped a lot of litter on the road. Mary picked up the litter and threw it into the dustbin. Her mother said Mary did a good job.
Last weekend, Mary went to the park for a picnic with her friend. They brought a lot of food and enjoyed it very much. Lily went to fly kite but she left many rubbish on the ground. Marry cleaned it and put it into the rubbish can. The teacher saw it and she said to Marry, "you are a good girl." What a good girl!


(1)必要节点:[topic],注意使用换行符进行分隔。规范说明参见故事复述题型必要节点中的 [topic] 限制。
(2)非必要节点: [number_replace]、[vocabulary]、[lmtext]规范说明参见句子题型非必要节点限制、[keypoint]规范参见英文看图说话题型非必要节点限制。

1. British People
1.1.  British people usually say "hello" or "nice to meet you" and shake your hand when they meet you for the first time. They behave politely in public. They think it's rude to push in before others. They always queue. They are very polite at home as well. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. When we are in a strange place, we should do as the local people do.
1.2. For the first meeting, the English will usually say "hello" or "nice to meet you" and shake hands with you. In the public places, they behave themselves well; they think that jumping in the line is a rude behavior, so they always line up. They are often very polite at home. When we are in a strange place, do in Rome as Rome does. We should behave well as local people.
1.3. When they meet for the first time, the British usually say "hello" or "nice to meet you", and shake hands with each other. In public, they behave themselves appropriately. They think it is impolite to jump the queue, and they always wait in line patiently for their turns. They are also very polite at home. As the saying goes, "when in Rome, do as the Romans do". When we are in a strange place, we should act as the locals do.
1.4. When first meet, English are likely to say "hello" or "nice to meet you" and shake hands with you. They behave well in public. They usually line up because they think queue jumping is very impolite. And they are also very polite at home. There is an old saying "Do in Rome as Rome does". So when we are in a new place, we should behave ourselves as the locals do.
1.5. When meeting for the first time, Englishmen usually say "hello" or "nice to meet you" with a handshake. They behave themselves well in public places. They regard jumping a queue as one of the rude behavior, so they always queue up. They are also very polite at home. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. When we are in a strange place, we should behavior just like the local people.
1.6. For the first meeting, English people usually say "Hello" or "Nice to meet you" and shake hands with you. In the public place, they also act very decently. In their views, it is very impolite to cut in line. They have formed a habit to wait in a queue. At home, they are also very polite. When in a strange place, we should do in Rome as the Romans do. Moreover, it is also polite that we behave like the local people.
1.7. In first meeting, the English often say "hi" or "nice to meet you!" and then shake hands with you. In public occasions, they behave mannerly. They think jumping a queue is impolite and they always line up. Also, they are polite at home. When in Rome do as the Romans do. When we are in a strange land, we should behave like the natives.
British People
British people usually say "hello" or "nice to meet you" and shake your hand when they meet you for the first time. They behave politely in public. They think it's rude to push in before others. They always queue. They are very polite at home as well. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. When we are in a strange place, we should do as the local people do.
For the first meeting, the English will usually say "hello" or "nice to meet you" and shake hands with you. In the public places, they behave themselves well; they think that jumping in the line is a rude behavior, so they always line up. They are often very polite at home. When we are in a strange place, do in Rome as Rome does. We should behave well as local people.
When they meet for the first time, the British usually say "hello" or "nice to meet you", and shake hands with each other. In public, they behave themselves appropriately. They think it is impolite to jump the queue, and they always wait in line patiently for their turns. They are also very polite at home. As the saying goes, "when in Rome, do as the Romans do". When we are in a strange place, we should act as the locals do.
When first meet, English are likely to say "hello" or "nice to meet you" and shake hands with you. They behave well in public. They usually line up because they think queue jumping is very impolite. And they are also very polite at home. There is an old saying "Do in Rome as Rome does". So when we are in a new place, we should behave ourselves as the locals do.
When meeting for the first time, Englishmen usually say "hello" or "nice to meet you" with a handshake. They behave themselves well in public places. They regard jumping a queue as one of the rude behavior, so they always queue up. They are also very polite at home. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. When we are in a strange place, we should behavior just like the local people.
For the first meeting, English people usually say "Hello" or "Nice to meet you" and shake hands with you. In the public place, they also act very decently. In their views, it is very impolite to cut in line. They have formed a habit to wait in a queue. At home, they are also very polite. When in a strange place, we should do in Rome as the Romans do. Moreover, it is also polite that we behave like the local people.
In first meeting, the English often say "hi" or "nice to meet you!" and then shake hands with you. In public occasions, they behave mannerly. They think jumping a queue is impolite and they always line up. Also, they are polite at home. When in Rome do as the Romans do. When we are in a strange land, we should behave like the natives.
behavior /b ih 'hh ey v y ax/
uncourteous /,ah n 'k er t ir s/




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total_score 总分
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content 试卷内容
time_len 时长(单位:帧,每帧相当于10ms)


属性 注释
time_len 时长(单位:帧,每帧相当于10ms)
beg_pos/end_pos 始末位置(单位:帧,每帧相当于10ms)
content 试卷内容


属性 注释
beg_pos / end_pos 始末位置(单位:帧,每帧相当于10ms)
symbol 拼音:数字代表声调,5表示轻声
content 试卷内容
time_len 时长(单位:帧,每帧相当于10ms)


属性 注释
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dp_message 增漏信息,0(正确)16(漏读)32(增读)64(回读)128(替换)
symbol 拼音:数字代表声调,5表示轻声
content 试卷内容
rec_node_type paper(试卷内容),sil(非试卷内容)
time_len 时长(单位:帧,每帧相当于10ms)


属性 注释
beg_pos / end_pos 始末位置(单位:帧,每帧相当于10ms)
dp_message 增漏信息,0(正确)16(漏读)32(增读)64(回读)128(替换)
content 试卷内容
rec_node_type paper(试卷内容),sil(非试卷内容)
perr_msg 错误信息:1(声韵错)2(调型错)3(声韵调型错),当dp_message不为0时,perr_msg可能出现与dp_message值保持一致的情况
time_len 时长(单位:帧,每帧相当于10ms)



属性 注释
phone_score 声韵分
fluency_score 流畅度分(暂会返回0分)
tone_score 调型分
total_score 总分
beg_pos / end_pos 始末位置(单位:帧,每帧相当于10ms)
content 试卷内容
time_len 时长(单位:帧,每帧相当于10ms)


属性 注释
time_len 时长(单位:帧,每帧相当于10ms)
beg_pos / end_pos 始末位置(单位:帧,每帧相当于10ms)
content 试卷内容


属性 注释
beg_pos / end_pos 始末位置(单位:帧,每帧相当于10ms)
symbol 拼音:数字代表声调,5表示轻声
content 试卷内容
time_len 时长(单位:帧,每帧相当于10ms)


属性 注释
beg_pos / end_pos 始末位置(单位:帧,每帧相当于10ms)
dp_message 增漏信息,0(正确)16(漏读)32(增读)64(回读)128(替换)
symbol 拼音:数字代表声调,5表示轻声
content 试卷内容
rec_node_type paper(试卷内容),sil(非试卷内容)
time_len 时长(单位:帧,每帧相当于10ms)


属性 注释
beg_pos / end_pos 始末位置(单位:帧,每帧相当于10ms)
dp_message 增漏信息,0(正确)16(漏读)32(增读)64(回读)128(替换)
content 试卷内容
rec_node_type paper(试卷内容),sil(非试卷内容)
perr_msg 错误信息:1(声韵错)2(调型错)3(声韵调型错),当dp_message不为0时,perr_msg可能出现与dp_message值保持一致的情况
time_len 时长(单位:帧,每帧相当于10ms)



属性 注释
phone_score 声韵分
fluency_score 流畅度分
tone score 调型分
total score 总分
beg_pos/end_pos 始末位置(单位,帧,每帧相当于10ms)
content 试卷内容
time_len 时长(单位:帧,每帧相当于10ms)


属性 注释
phone_score 声韵分
fluency_score 流畅度分
tone_score 调型分
total_score 总分
beg_pos/end_pos 始末位置(单位,帧,每帧相当于10ms)
content 试卷内容
time_len 时长(单位:帧,每帧相当于10ms)


属性 注释
beg_pos/end_pos 始末位置(帧)
symbol 拼音:数字代表声调,5表示轻声
content 试卷内容
time_len 时长(单位:帧,每帧相当于10ms)


属性 注释
beg_pos / end_pos 始末位置(帧)
dp_message 增漏信息,0(正确)16(漏读)32(增读)64(回读)128(替换)
symbol 拼音:数字代表声调,5表示轻声
time_len 时长(单位:帧,每帧相当于10ms)
content 试卷内容
rec_node_type paper(试卷内容),sil(非试卷内容)
time_len 时长(单位:帧,每帧相当于10ms)


属性 注释
beg_pos / end_pos 始末位置(帧)
dp_message 增调信息,0(正确)16(漏读)32(增读)64(回读)128(替换)
content 试卷内容
rec_node_type paper(试卷内容),sil(非试卷内容)
content 试卷内容
perr_msg 错误信息:1(声韵错)2(调型错)3(声的调型错),当dp_message不为0时,perr_msg可能出现与dp_message值保持一致的情况
time_len 时长(单位,帧,每帧相当于10ms)



属性 注释
phone_score 声韵分
fluency_score 流畅度分
tone_score 调型分
total_score 总分
beg_pos / end_pos 始末位置(帧)
content 试卷内容
time_len 时长(单位,帧,每帧相当于10ms)


属性 注释
phone_score 声韵分
fluency_score 流畅度分
tone_score 调型分
total_score 总分
beg_pos / end_pos 始末位置(帧)
content 试卷内容
time_len 时长(单位,帧,每帧相当于10ms)


属性 注释
beg_pos / end_pos 始末位置(帧)
symbol 拼音:数字代表声调,5表示轻声
content 试卷内容
time_len 时长(单位:帧,每帧相当于10ms)


属性 注释
beg_pos / end_pos 始末位置(帧)
dp_message 增漏信息,0(正确)16(漏读)32(增读)64(回读)128(替换)
symbol 拼音:数字代表声调,5表示轻声
content 试卷内容
rec_node_type paper(试卷内容),sil(非试卷内容)
time_len 时长(单位:帧,每帧相当于10ms)


属性 注释
beg_pos / end_pos 始末位置(帧)
dp_message 增漏信息,0(正确)16(漏读)32(增读)64(回读)128(替换)
content 试卷内容
rec_node_type paper(试卷内容),sil(非试卷内容)
perr_msg 错误信息:1(声韵错)2(调型错)3(声的调型错) ,当dp_message不为0时,perr_msg可能出现与dp_message值保持一致的情况
time_len 时长(单位:帧,每帧相当于10ms)




属性 注释
beg_pos 多个单词开始边界时间
content 多个单词内容
end_pos 多个单词结束边界时间
accuracy_socre 准确度评分
standard_score 标准度评分
except_info 异常信息
is_rejected 是否被拒
total_score 多个单词总分的平均分


属性 注释
beg_pos 多个单词开始边界时间
content 句子内容
end_pos 句子结束边界时间
index 句子索引


属性 注释
beg_pos 单词开始边界时间
content 单词内容
end_pos 单词结束边界时间
dp_message 单词增漏读信息
global_index 单词在全篇章索引
index 单词在句子索引
property 单词属性(半句|重读|关键字等,效果优化中,无需关注)
total_score 单词总分
pitch 单词基频信息(预留字段,无需关心)
pitch_beg 单词基频开始值
pitch_end 单词基频结束值
werr_msg 针对错误单词给出结果(正确不输出)


属性 注释
beg_pos 音节开始边界时间
content 音节内容
end_pos 音节结束边界时间
serr_msg 音节错误信息
syll_accent 音节重读标记


属性 注释
beg_pos 音素开始边界时间
content 音素内容
end_pos 音素结束边界时间
dp_message 音素增漏读信息

题型:read_ sentence


属性 注释
accuracy_score 准确度评分
beg_pos 篇章开始时间
content 篇章内容
end_pos 篇章结束时间
except_info 异常信息
fluency_score 流畅度评分
integrity_score 完整度评分
standard_score 标准度分
is_rejected 是否被拒
total_score 篇章总分
word_count 篇章全部单词数量


属性 注释
beg_pos 句子开始边界时间
content 句子内容
end_pos 句子结束边界时间
accuracy_score 准确度评分
fluency_score 流畅度评分
standard_score 标准度分
index 句子索引
score(替换为total_score) 全部分数,结构体(隐藏)
word_count 句子全部单词数量


属性 注释
beg_pos 单词开始边界时间
content 单词内容
end_pos 单词结束边界时间
dp_message 单词增漏读信息
global_index 单词在全篇章索引
index 单词在句子索引
property 单词属性(半句|重读|关键字等,效果优化中,无需关注)
total_score 单词总分
pitch 单词基频信息(预留字段,无需关心)
pitch_beg 单词基频开始值
pitch_end 单词基频结束值
werr_msg 针对错误单词给出结果(正确不输出)


属性 注释
beg_pos 音节开始边界时间
content 音节内容
end_pos 音节结束边界时间
serr_msg 音节错误信息
syll_accent 音节重读标记


属性 注释
beg_pos 音素开始边界时间
content 音素内容
end_pos 音素结束边界时间
dp_message 音素增漏读信息



属性 注释
accuracy_score 准确度评分
beg_pos 篇章开始时间
content 篇章内容
end_pos 篇章结束时间
except_info 异常信息
fluency_score 流畅度评分
integrity_score 完整度评分
standard_score 标准度分
is_rejected 是否被拒
total_score 篇章总分
word_count 篇章全部单词数量


属性 注释
beg_pos 句子开始边界时间
content 句子内容
end_pos 句子结束边界时间
accuracy_score 准确度评分
fluency_score 流畅度评分
standard_score 标准度分
index 句子索引
score(替换为total_score) 全部分数,结构体(隐藏)
word_count 句子全部单词数量


属性 注释
beg_pos 单词开始边界时间
content 单词内容
end_pos 单词结束边界时间
dp_message 单词增漏读信息
global_index 单词在全篇章索引
index 单词在句子索引
property 单词属性(半句|重读|关键字等,效果优化中,无需关注)
total_score 单词总分
werr_msg 针对错误单词给出结果(正确不输出)


属性 注释
beg_pos 音节开始边界时间
content 音节内容
end_pos 音节结束边界时间
serr_msg 音节错误信息
syll_accent 音节重读标记


属性 注释
beg_pos 音素开始边界时间
content 音素内容
end_pos 音素结束边界时间



属性 注释
accuracy_score 语义准确度评分
beg_pos 朗读开始时间
content 朗读识别内容
end_pos 朗读结束时间
except_info 异常信息
phone_score 发音准确度评分
speeking_speed 语速(一般在140-200词每分钟)
total_score 总分


属性 注释
content 句子内容
index 句子索引


属性 注释
beg_pos 单词开始边界时间
content 单词内容
end_pos 单词结束边界时间



属性 注释
beg_pos 朗读开始时间
content 朗读识别内容
end_pos 朗读结束时间
except_info 异常信息
phone_score 发音准确度评分
total_score 总分


属性 注释
content 句子内容
index 句子索引


属性 注释
beg_pos 单词开始边界时间
content 单词内容
end_pos 单词结束边界时间



属性 注释
beg_pos 朗读开始时间
content 朗读识别内容
end_pos 朗读结束时间
except_info 异常信息
total_score 总分



注意事项 说明
is_rejected返回字段(部分评测题型无此字段返回) true:被拒,表明引擎检测到乱读,分值不能作为参考
单词、句子、篇章题型中的标准度分 只有文本中单词个数>=5个时,才会有标准度分。
单词、句子、篇章题型的乱说检测功能 只有文本中单词个数>=5个时,才会有乱说检测功能。(自由题型目前无乱说检测功能)
except_info属性值 except_info=28673时,16进制为0x7001,表示引擎判断该语音为无语音或音量小类型
dp_message属性值 dp_message=0时,表示引擎判断该单词或该音素正常读了
property、werr_msg属性(效果优化中,无需关注) 只有在引擎判断单词读错时才会出现werr_msg这个属性,比如该单词的property=16,表示该单词处需要连读,如果xml中出现属性werr_msg=512,则表明引擎判断语音此单词处未连读,否则表明引擎此处朗读正确。
serr_msg属性 serr_msg=0时,表示引擎判断该音节读的正确
syll_accent属性 syll_accent=0时,表示此音节无需重读
部分拼音试卷,如:在<zai4>达<da2>瑞八岁的时候,有一天他想<xiang3>去看电影。 添加拼音标注的汉字个数不超过整个试卷中汉字个数的三分之一。
部分题型如字、词、句、篇章的syll层、phone层 content试卷内容出现(sil与silv 表示静音, fil 表示噪音)
gwpp、pitch、reject_type、no_plo_word、dur_value、magnitude_value、pitch_value、score_pattern 这些字段为模型返回的预留字段,无需关心


错误码 错误码描述
10163 参数校验失败,由客户端参数校验失败引起,客户端需要依据返回的message字段中的描述来更改请求参数
10313 请求参数 第一帧没有传app_id 或者传 的app_id 与api_key 不匹配。
40007 音频解码失败,请检查所传的音频是否与encoding字段描述的编码格式对应。
11201 接口使用量超出了购买的最大限制,请购买后继续使用。
10114 请求超时,会话时间超过了300s,请控制会话时间,保持不超过300s
10043 音频解码失败,请确保所传音频编码格式与请求参数保持一致。
10161 base64解码失败,检查发送的数据是否使用base64编码了
10200 读取数据超时,检查是否累计10s未发送数据并且未关闭连接
10160 请求数据格式非法,检查请求数据是否是合法的json
11200 功能未授权
60114 评测音频长度过长
10139 参数错误
48196 实例禁止重复调用该接口
40006 无效参数
40010 无响应
40016 初始化失败
40017 没有初始化
40023 无效配置
40034 参数未设置
40037 无评测文本
40038 无评测语音
40040 非法数据
42306 授权数不够
68676 乱说
30002 ssb没有cmd参数
48195 实例评测试卷未设置,试题格式错误,请检查评测文本是否与试题匹配,特别是英文题型需要在试题中加特殊标记、未设置ent、category等参数等
30011 sid为空,如上传音频未设置aus
68675 不正常的语音数据,请检查是否为16k、16bit、单声道音频,并且检查aue参数值指定是否与音频类型匹配
48205 实例未评测,如没有获取到录音、上传音频为空导致的报错


语音评测流式API demo java语言

语音评测流式API demo js语言

语音评测流式API demo python3语言

语音评测流式API demo nodejs语言


语音评测Web api支持多少路并发?





答:音频采样率要是 16k、采样精度16 位、单声道音频。样例音频请参照java demo中提供的音频






答:评测结果中会给出 is_rejected 字段,当字段值为 true 时,说明此时是用户乱说导致的拒识,开发者可根据这个字段判断此次用户是否为乱说。 如果引擎报出乱说,那么就可以认为评分已经不可信。可根据except_info属性值初步判断乱读的原因